Hello! Thanks for stopping by! So first off, the most important thing I want you to know about me is that I am child of the living God, one who is simply trying to answer the invitation to go deeper still into life with God and His claim on me as His beloved daughter. While I would like you to think I have my life all together, I really don’t. I may tidy up my house if you visit, but just open a closet and see that appearances aren’t everything!
I am learning though that it is in the real, raw, mess of everyday life that, if you look for it, God is doing beautiful, unexpected, beyond-our-wishes kind of things! It is in the everyday mess of life that God is working and doing holy things. So I am simply trying to keep it real in the mess of life as I look for the ways God is at work.
I am a Southern California girl turned Southern belle, a wife, mother, preacher, teacher, writer, spiritual director, friend and sister on this journey of faith. I am a lover of God’s word and passionate truth seeker. And while teaching, preaching, and doing spiritual direction are all things I love doing, I actually spend most of my days trying to keep up with my four kiddos, the biggest blessings and also biggest challenges of my life. I also love to get my hands dirty gardening and would love to have you over for tea and scones any day!
My deepest desire is to invite others to become more and more deeply aware of where God is present in their everyday day lives, even as I seek to live into this invitation myself. I long to go deeper and deeper still into the knowledge and love of an amazing God who’s love for and delight in us is so much greater than we can ever know!
This. Is. My. Passion! A passion to know God. A passion for others to know God… for us together to see His goodness all around us, to trust Him more, to ever more release, surrender, give in to the embrace of our Good God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Thanks for listening to my heart!